Saturday 27 February 2010

you have to suffer for a good photo

the weather is supposed to get better. yesterday night the storm was really strong, this morning very windy/snowy so no chance of a long walk.
I got two medium format rolls developed back from Reykjavik, good results!
today i am photographing near the house, test shooting for portraits.
Seeing Olafia so covered up the other day during the storm gave me more ideas for portraits: as i previously wrote coming to Iceland in winter is bound to make anyone think how the weather affects people. Olafia was so covered up, with a skii mask and another protective mask for mouth and nose that she was is it a portrait if the subject cannot be seen under all that clothing? or are the clothing, dictated by the harsh weather, a symbol of that personlife & relation to the weather? Olafia said once that she can only live on a island near the ocean. Weather and nature are part of icelandic life.
Today i will test a "portrait in winter" making Anna (flatmate and performing artist here at NES) stand in the have to suffer for a good photo.

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